London Bridge is....

falling down. That is what I did today. It has been a while since I last fell. I guess moving day is a good day to fall. I can then use the excuse that I am hurt so I obviously can't help. But I didn't get hurt. I slipped on a step because I was wearing my house flip=flops that are smooth on the bottom, and the stairs are sandy. I only fell to my rear-end and got up right away and dusted off. The sad thing is that Steve, the guard, and the moving guys all saw me. I got the "tsk tsk" and a surprised expression from everyone.

Later, when I saw Steve again, I asked him if he laughed after he saw me fall. I know I would laugh and I do laugh when Steve falls. He said, "Yes." That made me laugh too. So all is well that ends well. Laugh!


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