Not Ready

I was thinking today about the story of the 10 virgins who were waiting for the bridegroom to come. It really made sense to me in light of my recent not-readiness. Yesterday we didn't have electricity for 3 and a half hours. Our inverter only lasts about 10 minutes. We haven't fixed it for six months. It is suppose to last 8 hours. Then when the electricity is out for 8 hours we can at least have a fan running. But we will only get 10 minutes. We are definitely not ready for summer.

And also yesterday we didn't have cooking gas (still). So without electricity to run the microwave and no cooking gas, I couldn't make chai. We had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch. Thankfully it isn't hot yet, so nothing melted in the freezer. I didn't even think about eating the ice cream. You would think that we would be pro-active about the gas and fill our extra cylinder before we actually needed it. But here we sit, two days later, with two empties.

So as I sat thinking about being ready, I realized I am not ready. What if Jesus came to visit and I couldn't even offer him chai.


Don Camp said…
Serious! In the Indian culture, that would be inexcusable.
Kim said…
Luckily he probably won't be checking on your chai,though he might be sorry to miss your special make!

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