
I did something that I have never done before. For most people it wouldn't be a big deal. But for me, I have lived 39 years without ever feeling the need or desire to do this. It has been a fear of mine. I have a fear of water. I HATE, I said HATE, going under water. So this accomplishment involved my fear of water. I jumped off a diving-board into the deep end of a pool!

I can swim a bit. Enough not to drown right away anyway. But I don't swim with my head under the water. I can't breath under water. When I was little I took swimming lessons, that turned into torture sessions. Trying to float on my back and trusting the adult to not let go. Very bad lessons on trust. I think I remember a boy holding me under water when I was young. Maybe it is from that experience that I have chosen to hate going under water.

So on Friday I decided to conquer my fear. I got a new swimsuit for the occasion. I had Steve come out to be the lifeguard and Micah was there to be a witness to the event. I first dipped in the water to get use to the temperature, then I walked to the diving board. I stood on the end and prepared to take the plunge. But I couldn't. My fear was too strong. So I had to take baby-steps. I thought maybe I could just jump in from the edge of the pool, but even that was too risky for me. So I got in the deep end on the little ledge and just stepped off and went under the water. Too me it is not fun, at all. But I did it. I went under water. Then came the edge of the pool jump. I finally decided that I should jump with the inner-tube around me. I made it. And I didn't even go under water. But it gave me the feeling of jumping in. So then I was able to jump without the tube. I didn't die. Finally, I moved up to the diving board. I jumped! I went under! And I came back up!

I know it is a really simple thing for most people. Even Micah thought it was comical to watch. Especially me jumping with the tube around me. I don't ever need to do it again, but at least I know I can. I would much rather jump out of an airplane than to jump into a pool.


Kim said…
Wow - good for you!!! I'm a water lover, so feel sad you don't get to enjoy it like I do. But that's awesome that you overcame your fear!

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