The Christmas Trip

When I was young, our family would drive 8 hours to my grandparents home for Christmas. One cold Christmas trip, we had no heat in our van. It was a camping van, which means it only had the two front seats and then a bed in the back. We would put in two lawn-chairs for my sister and I to sit on or one of us would sit on the engine cover in the front, middle section of the van.

Well this trip was through the snow and ice of the Gorge area. We always left at o-dark-thirty so we could get there early. Since we had no heat, my mom, sister and I got to snuggle together on the bed with our warmest sleeping bags. My dad wore his orange snowmobile suit as he drove.

And Mom and Dad, you continue to wonder why I think our lives are like the book Glass Castle.


Kim said…
It's just like the book - amazing! You need to write your own.
Don said…
Leslie! It wasn't quite that bad. The lawn chairs were fairly nice. :)

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