The Party

Last night I went to Allison's (sis in-law) batchlorette party. It was at a mexican restaurant/bar. It was a very crowded place so we weren't able to get a big table all together. Allison and her girl friends were at one table and the old folks (me and others) were at our own table (feeling awkward).

Allison showed up at the place drunk already, from a bit too many drinks in the limo. I thought it would be embarrassing to be around your mother in-law to-be and your grandmother in-law to-be, but she didn't seem too worried about it. Allison wasn't a bad drunk really. She was a little loud, but not obnoxious.

I felt old. I had a new dress on, but I ended up looking like an old lady instead of a young thing. I had some nice shoes on too. But my purse, which looked fine at home, turned into an old lady purse. It was also cold out, so I had a shawl. I'm glad I had it but it just added to the old lady look.

I don't drink for two reasons. First, I am cheap. I don't want to waste money on expensive drinks. And second, I can't stand the taste of alcohol. I have tried to drink even a cooler, but the taste is just bad. I have an addictive nature so if I did like to drink I am sure I would need to really be careful. But I don't.

It is weird to hang out with the young girls who like the bar scene. Allison had to play silly games, like see if she could get a guy to buy her a drink. Or kiss a guy on the head. Or slap a guy's butt. To me, that isn't fun. I would much rather hang out with friends at a house, eating junk food, playing games, or watching a movie. Or how about just talking. I guess I am an old lady.


Growin' With It said…
welp, if you ask me it sounds like you're not old...just GROWN UP!! that must have been awkward. no matter what you wore, what you carried or what you think you may have appeared to look like Les, I'd say you were the beautiful bride yourself. inside and out! ;o)
linda said…
I'm with Linda. For one thing, if you're old, then so are we, and I refuse to admit that yet. For another thing, you sound the same as you were back more than half our lives ago, only you forgot the dumpster diving and grocery cart stealing. I would like to see a pic of your purse, however. :)
Don Camp said…
How soon you forget. :)

I am glad we all grow up.

Just off hand, what do you think I would look like with an old lady's purse?
Liz said…
Nope. I feel exactly the same way, and I'm slightly younger than you. I think all that is so boring.

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