
So to continue on with "house-help tales of today", let me tell you what she told me. Bimla was on the phone off and on all day today. I try not to listen, but she talks really loud. So after she got off the phone I asked if everything was okay. So she told me that her older son (13 years old) didn't pick-up the younger (3 and 5) kids from school so they were just wondering around outside. Their house was locked so the kids couldn't go inside. So they just were outside somewhere. So she was calling people to try to locate her kids.

Bimla lives in a village type setting. All the neighbors know each other. SO most likely her kids are fine. But then she told me that just yesterday a young child in her area went missing. She said a person took the child. So that is why she was nervous today about her kids.

If that was me I would find the quickest way home and look for my kids. She just kept working.


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