
We got a dog for Micah's birthday. His name is Spot. Micah named him. I find it humorous that he chose the name Spot. You see, I had a "spot" incident in my past that was quite humiliating and the incident was always known as "the spot". It even took some counseling to work through it this past year (after 14 years of pain from it). SO to have a little Spot now that is so cute is refreshing and a reminder of the God's goodness in helping me through my pain.


Growin' With It said…
I love how God turns something tough into something beeeautiful. and how happy the expression is on that cute boy's face.

read about an explosion in your city....hope you are all okay? ugg.
What a cute little pup! The kids will be so jealous.

I love the irony for you in the name. However humbling it may be, I hope it's even more encouraging about how far you've come.
He's adorable. I'm so happy to meet a cute little "spot" - finally. :) Linda
Growin' With It said…
hey, is that LINDA? down there. i've been bugging her about blogging. and even though she doesn't have a page set up, well now she is at least registered. i'm on a mission now!

thanks for the sweet bday song. i could almost hear your voice while i read it. and it was a beautiful new rendition!

also, what's up and going on there where you live? bridges collapsing, persecution. ugg.

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