
Saturday was the wedding of our friend, Khushboo. She is the youngest sister in a family of 9 siblings whose parents died several years ago. I would guess her to be 20 years old. This was an arranged marriage. Her oldest brother had met the guy once or twice before the wedding. Khushboo didn't even get to see a picture of the guy. Before the guy even arrived she had signed the paper saying she would marry him and was officially married. Then the guy arrived......

Azhar is the groom. He was said to be around 31 years old. He comes from a good family in old Delhi. When I saw him my stomach dropped. I would guess his age to be closer to 40. I filmed his arrival and then brought the camera to Khushboo to show her what her husband looked like. I couldn't see her face because she was all covered, but she said, "Aachaa luckta hai." That means, "He looks nice."

I was introduced to the grooms family and thought they all seemed pleasant enough. Then I went on the stage where the groom was sitting with some family and friends and introduced myself to him. This may not be proper in muslim culture, but I wanted to meet him. He was a bit rude to me and brushed me off. His uncle excused his behavior saying he was tense. I didn't like him.

A couple hours later it was time for the couple to meet. The groom went off the stage and Khushboo was brought up all covered. I watched the groom as she was brought into the room. He looked bored and never once glanced her way. This may be cultural, but it made me not like him even more. He then went up and sat next to her. They didn't look at eachother. Pictures were taken with different people sitting next to them. And then it was time for them to leave. Khushboo's family and friends hugged her. As I hugged her good-bye I started to cry. I just felt so sad for her. It didn't seem like a good match for her. I can't understand why her brother would arrange it. He says it is a good family. That seems to be the important part.

So Khushboo's brothers carried her out to the car. It was so sweet to see her brother carrying her. She was crying as they put her in the car. Then the groom got in by her in the back and they drove away.

I was the spectacle of the evening with my crying. Several from his family came up to me and hugged me and told me to be happy. I think pictures were snapped. I heard several comments of "Leslie is crying." But I didn't care. I let the tears roll. I was very sad to say good-bye to Khushboo. And really that is what it is. She will no longer be the same Khushboo, she is now a woman and not a carefree young girl. She will be forever changed.


Wow! She looks beautiful. You've got me crying way over here, too! Who knows, maybe he's shy in public. Keep us updated on this couple if you have a chance.

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