Not in Kansas Anymore

Today felt like a Twilight zone episode.  Things were just weird.  I woke up at 2:30 AM and got ready for our plane trip to Charlotte.  There were new ways of checking in and going through security.  Then arriving in Charlotte we had to wait an hour for our luggage to come.  It didn't seem like anyone else was waiting so we kept checking around to see if we were in the right place.  We were told it usually takes 45 minutes.  We waited.  Checked around some more.  Then someone said it took 30 minutes.  Waited some more.  The carousel never seemed to move as we waited.  Then I found another airline employee and asked when the bags would arrive.  She said they already did.  I found our bags in the pile of left luggage.  So what I figure is that we were the only ones stupid enough to check our bags.  Everyone else knows that Charlotte airport has the slowest baggage service so they just had carry-on.  So when ours arrived they didn't send it on the carousel but just took it to the pile.  We had checked the pile several times but finally there it was.  Then no one was there to pick us up.  It felt like the universe was against us today.  We had to take a taxi for $42.

The only good thing today is that I got a new bra.  I bought two yesterday that were so uncomfortable so I had to find a new one.  So luckily I found one at Target.  Both yesterday and today I had to check out with young men as the cashier.  And I had to make comments.  So I enjoyed that.


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