
We are closing on our house today.  No, we aren't buying/selling a house.  I don't even know what it means.  We are packing up our home.  We have a huge pile of give away things.  It feels so good to have our give away be bigger then our keeping pile.  Why do we have so much stuff?  I sadly look at it and see the price of the items we have bought and are discarding.  But the good side of this is that we are able to give things away and bless others.  Some people will be able to use our stuff.

We don't know if this is the end of our India chapter.  It was a long one.  It had lots of ups and downs, goods and bads.  We are actually lucky.  Many people leave and don't realize they aren't going to come back.  We at least are considering the possibility that we aren't coming back.  So we can take back to America are precious items.   Maybe this was not just a chapter, but a book.  And the book will have a sequel.  A very different adventure awaits us when we close this one.  It isn't the end, just one end in a longer story.


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