Good Friday

I just finished reading the story of Jesus' crucifixion.  I thought it was a good way to start out my Good Friday.  I want to think about Jesus' death today.  The verse that really stuck out to me today was Luke 23:48
"And all the multitudes who came together for this spectacle, when they observed what had happened, began to return beating their breasts."
This verse made me think about those I know who either mock Jesus or find our belief in Jesus foolish.  I was thinking that if Jesus' death were to happen now, and all of humanity could be watching by TV, who would be cheering his death?  Some would be happy that he was dying so that it would put an end to the "foolishness" of his followers.  But when Jesus died, there were signs that happened, the sky going dark, the veil being torn in two, and an earthquake.  I wonder what it was that convinced the people watching Jesus die that they were wrong.  Was it the way he died or the accompanying signs?

In a way, the people who went away beating their breasts had it lucky.  They could still repent and turn to God.  I don't know what will happen when the end comes.  I wonder if there will be time for repentance.  For people to make a last second confession and give their lives to Jesus.  I hope there is.  But for now, I will pray for those people I know who are against Jesus and Christians.  I pray that it won't take until the last minute for them to realize that they are wrong. 


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