God is Good

I like to read the comments people write on newspaper articles or other articles online.  Usually the comments get off track and instead of commenting on the article, people are spewing their hatred for religion.  It doesn’t matter what the article is about, they somehow turn it to religion.

Yesterday I read an article on a baby that was born at 20 weeks and lived for a few minutes and then died.  There were pictures of the baby.  The point is that many places abort babies at that same age yet to see what the baby looks like makes a person realize that this is not just a bunch of tissue like a tumor, but it is a person.

One of the comments at the end of the article was a lady who shared about twins who were born really early and one died, but one lived and went on to become a pastor and do wonderful things.  The next person commented “God is good.”  That got things going!  We say “God is good!” when something goes right, but what about when things don’t seem good.  The other baby died, so how can you say God is good.  That is the essence of the argument.  I get it.  We all do.  It’s the age old question.  How can a loving God allow bad things to happen?

I don’t have an answer to that question.  I could ask it myself about injustices or other really painful experiences people have.  We see it all around us, bad things happening.  So how do we Christians still love God?

I’m not answering the question here, but rather giving a perspective. 

This life is a very small part of life.  If you look at a timeline of all of time you would see how small we really are.  A speck on the line is our existence.  Our little life here on earth is spent trying to stay alive or avoid death.  We do everything we can to fight off the inevitable.  Then one day we die.  But that isn’t the end.  It is just the real freedom.  This life we live on earth is our time of bondage.  The moment of death is our victory.  After we defeat death we are free.  We no longer have the fear of death.  We no longer struggle to stay alive.  We can really live. 


Don said…
Very well written, Leslie. And very well thought out. I often wonder how you learned to write, when you had so much trouble early on, but you are very good at expressing yourself now.

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