Today at church there was a new lady visiting. She wore a suit. She looked a bit nervous, always looking around. She sat down, looked around, moved to a new suit, looked around. Every so often she would move to a new area. Finally she sat down on my row a few seats away from me. I smiled. During our church we have a welcome time where visitors stand and tell where they are from. One of the regular guys introduced his guest, which happened to be the Honorable Diane Ablonczy, a Canadian member of Parliament. Never heard of her. It isn't unusual to have high ranking officials at church, like Ambassadors or others, but maybe this was the first time for a member of Parliament. The lady by me didn't stand and introduce herself. Maybe she was shy. But she looked around uncomfortably. So I decided that when I got a chance, I would scoot over and ask if she was new. I got my chance during the offering. ...