Random Church Thoughts

I've been hearing some new names of churches lately.  I don't like any of them.  Why is it that we have to have fancy new names?  Will it make people come?  I won't name them here so as not to offend anyone, but I'm sure you can think of a few yourself.  If I could choose a name for a church, I would simply name it "Church".  Then it would make it easy to answer.  Where do you go to church?  I go to "Church".  But now we have to say silly things like, "I go to Washing Stone." or "I go to River Flowing".  And make sure you have a coffee shop in your church if you really want to be progressive.

OK, our church doesn't have a funny or catchy name.  Maybe we should change it.  But for now it is what it is.  We meet in a hotel conference room.  Sometimes the electricity goes out.  Yesterday the powerpoint worked during practice time but almost at the beginning of the service it stopped working.  The poor song leader had to look out on our blank faces as she sang to us probably wondering why no one was singing along.  I felt sorry for her and could not get in to the worship time.  The pastor had planned to show a video clip and have pictures shown during his message.  We had to use our imaginations.  And the worst part is that people worked on trying to get it all working for almost the whole service, which only caused a distraction.  Finally they brought in a projector and showed the video clip.  I was impressed that the pastor kept his cool and gave the message as best as he could.

So what is church?  Being with people.  Encouraging each other.  Sharing God's word.  And giving space for God to talk.  I think that happened for me yesterday.  Trust and Obey!


Don Camp said…
I know. The new names just seem to confuse people. However, if we need a new name, how about Heaven on Earth?"

Nevertheless, worship is a choice rather than a reaction to whatever is going on. Good for you.

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