Still Alive

I convinced myself (with the help of friends) to go to the doctor for my weird body feelings.  I decided to just go see a cardiologist and get rid of the worst fears first.  So Steve and I paid the $12. fee to see a specialist and he listened to my heart and told me to get some tests done.  First stop was an ECG.  They hooked me up and let my heart beat for a few minutes before sending me out to the next stop.  We went down the hall to the x-ray area and I got to change into a cute little outfit for my chest x-ray.  The technician lady fixed my hair for me before she took the x-ray.  So sweet.  And I loved the outfit.  But I had to give it back.  Our next step was to go a bit further down the hall to the ECHO area.  I got to change again, but this time it wasn't cute.  I got hooked up and then had to have a guy doctor do the thing that I can't think of the name of, you know, when they use a sonogram to check my heart.

Two hours later we returned to the cardiologist with my test results in hand.  He looked at them and said everything is perfectly fine.  He asked again if I was experiencing stress.  I held back from saying, "Only when Steve is driving," since Steve was sitting next to me.  He gave me a prescription for asthma medicine to try for 5 days and sent us on our way.

The good news is that I have had only very slight weird feelings since my visit to the hospital, so it seems to have cured me.  And the other good news is that since we are in India and medical stuff is cheap, we only paid $70. for the whole experience.


Laura said…
Glad you're ok Leslie! Strange experiences happen to strange people. You have strange experiences.

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