More Toilet Talk

One thing I hate about our fancy toilets, is that the hole is too far back. So when people use it, they often leave a skid mark on the toilet bowl above the water line. It is never me though because my rear sits back far enough on the toilet. So I don' want to clean the toilet bowl every time this happens since I think it should be the person who made the mark. So the mark stays there for a day or two until enough flushing washes it away, or maybe Bimla (househelp lady) cleans it. It isn't right that Bimla should have to clean it either. Poor lady. But why doesn't the person who makes the mark ever think of cleaning it?


Kim said…
Put a nice sign on the door that asks people to clean up their own poop streaks, and make sure the tools to do so are within eyesight. I think people just hope the water will wash it away and that you won't notice.

BTW: please post about the new developmets at Courage Homes!!

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