Teaching 3-5 year olds

One Sunday a month, I get to teach the 3-5 year olds in sunday school. This past Sunday was my turn. Thankfully there was also a guy who was my helper. I have been by myself before and it isn't a pretty sight.

This weeks lesson was pretty lame as far as the material goes. It was about Jesus teaching in the synagogue. There weren't any games with the lesson nor was there much of a story. So after doing the lesson I still had a bunch of time with the kids. They can get pretty restless.

The kids played a game of "Find the Bible". We took turns hiding the Bible, and then trying to find it. This age is funny. They always run to the same place that it was hidden the time before. And what is funnier is that it is often there. Then the kids started jumping on me to try to get the Bible after I said we were done playing that game. One kid was so hyper that he put his head under my shirt. He was trying to climb up me on several occasions. Since there was a guy in the room, I felt a little bit odd having a kid under my shirt. So I got him out and picked him up because he was trying to lift my shirt up again.

It was communion sunday, which means the service goes longer. Oh boy! SO even after the "Find the Bible" game, we still had lots of time. So I had kids doing push-ups and sit-ups and jumping jacks. Then I told them about Bakari Eid, the Muslim holiday that was on Monday. Then we went through the lesson again and I told my lesson on Jonah. I asked simple questions and got some good answers. Usually I try to have the answer to the questions be "Jesus". There is usually a kid or two that answers "Jesus" to every question and I want them to get some right.

Finally parents came for their kids. I'm thankful for the help and I am thankful this is only once a month.


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