Fear Factor

I've said before in my blog that a few of the things I am fearful of are earthquakes, tsunamis, phones, and water. I know I could never be on the show Fear Factor because they would probably make me call someone while I was under water during an earthquake. Well last week when I was warm instead of freezing in Delhi, I faced two of those fears at the same time, water and tsunamis.

We were at the beach in Goa, where it is warm instead of cold (did I say that already?) and I decided to go in the water. I went in the water last year too, trying to face those fears. This year I realized that when I am in the water I am still fearful. I stand facing the waves and think, "oh, here comes a big one." Not that I think the waves are tsunamis, but the waves just might kill me. I am always on the look-out for the tsunami though.

So this year I decided to turn my back on the waves as they were coming towards me. And guess what? I didn't die. In fact I didn't even have the wave go over my head. Several times I was even out the farthest of all the group. So EAT THAT FEAR FACTOR!!!!

"God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!" Psalms 46:1-3

Part of facing my fears is to remember God. I can trust in Him. Not saying that I will never drown or die in an earthquake, but if I do find myself in the midst of the sea when a tsunami hits, I know that He is still with me. And if God is with me, why should I fear.

And really, if we want to talk about irrational fears, let's talk about public speaking. I have no fear there, but I know that for most people it is huge. At least most of my fears are rational.


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