Thai Church

We went with our friends to their church yesterday, here in Chaing Mai. It was a Thai speaking church but there was an interpreter for us in the back. We got to wear earphones like they do at U.N. meetings.

One Thai man got up to share a testimony from that week. He shared that he got a call that his father was dying and he needed to rush back home to his village. So he asked the pastor to go with him. Most of the people in his village are not believers, including his parents. He wanted to share with them while he was there. So they went to the village.

The man and his pastor prayed for the dad. They shared with him about heaven and salvation. The father became a follower of Jesus right there. He asked a lot of questions and wanted to even be baptized. I'm sure the son had shared with his family many times before.

This old man had diabetes and was blind from that. He was very sick. The pastor and the son prayed for the father to get well. But the son also prayed that if this is the time for my father to go, he is now ready. The next morning, the father got up. He was much better. And the most amazing thing is that he could see. He was no longer blind. God had healed him!

I love these stories of miracles.


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