Jaipur Baby!

On Wednesday evening we left Goa to come back to Delhi. But we forgot that in the winter Delhi gets really foggy when it is dark. So instead of landing in Delhi, our plane had to fly to Jaipur. Delhi was zero visibility. We arrived at midnight with our friends and tried to figure out what we were going to do. Or better yet, what the airline was going to do for us. The airline had arranged to send us to Delhi by bus. So instead of flying in the fog, they wanted us to drive the dangerous roads for 6 or more hours in the fog. We decided to get a hotel and then take a taxi the next day. I am sure glad we did.

The hotel we got was very nice. We had a two room suite. So both of our families stayed in the room with the kids in the front room on a fold-out couch. It was so nice. Then we got to go in a taxi, all 8 of us, back to Delhi. Not the most comfortable trip, but good company.

Jaipur is a smaller city that has a lot of old palaces up on the hills. It is called the pink city because of the pink sandstone (I think that is it anyway).

All in all, I am glad to be home. But let me tell you, I am freezing here in Delhi. Last night I slept with stocking cap on my head and two pairs of socks plus my warmest pajamas. It is so hard to take a shower when you know how cold you will be once you step out. The poor people on the streets must be so cold. My caps wont do much to keep them warm, but I still will give them out. I have a few left.


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