Gym news and blues

In May the gym was closed down by the city. For a couple years now the city has been closing thousands of businesses for being in residential areas. They finally got us. They are suppose to give you notice so that you can remove your belongings, but for some unknown reason we were not given any notice. The city guys just showed up and five minutes later a lock was placed on the door. So here it is August and things are still the same. The lock is on the door. Our Indian friend has gone to the city to try to get the place opened for a day to remove items, but this also is a slow process. So for now the equipment sits locked up in a basement to rot.

The landlord of the gym is no where to be seen. There is rumors that he is in jail. His wife is hiding at her mom's house. I don't think it has anything to do with the gym, but probably other business deals.

I have heard from several ladies that went to the gym. They all tell me how they miss the gym and really want it to open again. I have also met with my employees and they are anxious for it to open. They haven't gotten jobs.

A gym in a neighboring colony was visited by several ladies from my gym. I guess they asked for longer "women only" time and the owner told them no. So they got a group of ladies and came again to demand "woman only" time. The owner got mad and now there is a sign that says no woman from Fitness Circle are allowed. I thought that was pretty funny.

I have heard from several ladies how well the gym was doing when it got closed down. Twenty-four ladies doing aerobics in an area that is tight at 12. But they loved it.

And then there is me. I don't really want to open it again. It was too much work and tension for me. I am torn. I know it is a great way for me to get into the community and I really love the women. I also know that it provided jobs for my workers who have now been without jobs for three months. So here I sit, waiting for direction, waiting for the city to open the door again, and wondering what the future holds.


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