Random Gifting

When I was in college I had a friend that I wanted to send a joke gift to through the school mail.  So I had a dead plant that I thought would be funny for him to receive.  It was mostly dead.  So I gave it to the post office lady and she put a note in his box to say he had a package to pick up.  But then, unbeknownst to me, she started watering the plant.  And he didn't pick it up for a couple of days.  So when he did, it wasn't dead anymore.  So instead of my dead plant joke gift, he got a more lively plant.

Micah is doing a similar thing at school.  He is giving a random gift in the mail with a note that says, "Good job!" or "You can do it!"  So the person will get it and have no idea what it is that they can do or have done well.  But what if it goes wrong?  What if the person gets the little gift and they like it and it encourages them?  Then they don't get the joke and the joke is wasted.


Laura said…
That's funny! I like this idea a lot and think Kai will too. We may steal it.

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