A Week Off

What does one do on a week long sabbatical?  You may have asked yourself this question (or not).  I hadn't planned to take a sabbatical this week so I didn't have anything in mind.  I had to plan as I went along.  Day one was spent listening to music to try to figure my current life out.  That worked pretty good.  I thought it would take longer, but I guess one day was enough.  Then the next day I went to a market and did some shopping for material.  I found some great deals and planned to sew the rest of the week.  I took another day to visit with a friend.  And one day was a holiday so we all just hung out at home and did nothing.

I have been doing my workouts, but not so early.  My morning starts much slower.  I get up to get Micah off to school, then I spend time reading and being online.  Then I usually need a nap.  After my nap I do my workout.  Then around 1PM I start my day.

If I end up taking a longer sabbatical I guess I will work on the sewing projects, write a book, and maybe paint the walls.  What else does one do?


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