A Beautiful Butterfly

A Story

Charlie had a pet caterpillar.  He loved to watch it crawl around.  He was looking forward to seeing it transform into a beautiful butterfly.  He wondered what color it would be.  Finally the caterpillar started making his cocoon.  Charlie checked on it every day to see if the butterfly was ready to come out.  The day finally came when Charlie saw the butterfly inside start to find his way out.  Charlie could see some blue color on it's wing.  He knew it would be beautiful.

As Charlie watched the butterfly, he noticed it was struggling.  He knew this was part of the development of the butterfly, but it seemed it was starting to die in it's struggle.  So Charlie decided to help it just a tiny bit.  That gave the butterfly the encouragement to continue struggling for freedom and it was able to escape the cocoon.  Charlie felt like a hero.

The butterfly started walking, or crawling on the branch.  It was stretching after the tight squeeze.  Charlie watched closely as the butterfly became stronger but noticed it's wings didn't straighten out right away.  Charlie started to worry that maybe he shouldn't have helped the butterfly with it's process of leaving the cocoon.  As Charlie watched, it became apparent that the butterfly was not going to fly.  It's wings were too weak.  Charlie was very sad, but he told himself at least the butterfly was alive.  He was sure it would have died in the cocoon had he not helped it.

* This story doesn't have an ending yet as it is still being written.


Laura said…
I pretty much laughed out loud at that last sentence. You're great Leslie!

I'm remembering three years ago when we were packing to come visit. What a great! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Kim said…
Um, I think you're plagiarizing. I've heard that story before. Is that part of the joke?

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