
Have you ever wondered what your ears look like?  It is hard to get a good look at them.  And never side by side.  I could take a picture I suppose.  But my mind wonders to other ears before I get around to it.

Like the ear on the mouse. 
 This is weird.  I remember reading about this ear that has been grown on this mouse so that it can be transplanted onto some guy who has lost his ear.  I wonder how the mouse feels about this.  His friends probably picked on him for his big ear.  I know kids do that to each other.  And I wonder if he ever felt like nibbling it off.  Mice do weird things sometimes.

And when they removed the ear, what happened to the mouse.  He suddenly couldn't hear very well.  He was use to having super hearing and never had to worry about a cat sneaking up on him.  But now he had to rely on his little ears.  And where did they get the extra mouse skin to do a skin graft on his back.

And then there is the guy who got the mouse ear.  When he feels his ear does he jump.  Or maybe he squeals.  Do people tease him because he has a mouse ear.  Why couldn't they grow the mouse on a more respected animal.  Why a mouse.  Couldn't he grow it on his own back.

And should I have used question marks with all of my thoughts are were they just statements. 


Liz said…
Does the ear have uncanny hearing for cat meows or cheese being unwrapped?

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