Still Alive
I convinced myself (with the help of friends) to go to the doctor for my weird body feelings. I decided to just go see a cardiologist and get rid of the worst fears first. So Steve and I paid the $12. fee to see a specialist and he listened to my heart and told me to get some tests done. First stop was an ECG. They hooked me up and let my heart beat for a few minutes before sending me out to the next stop. We went down the hall to the x-ray area and I got to change into a cute little outfit for my chest x-ray. The technician lady fixed my hair for me before she took the x-ray. So sweet. And I loved the outfit. But I had to give it back. Our next step was to go a bit further down the hall to the ECHO area. I got to change again, but this time it wasn't cute. I got hooked up and then had to have a guy doctor do the thing that I can't think of the name of, you know, when they use a sonogram to check my heart. Two ho...