The other day I was thinking about greeting people with kisses. I am very much a non-kissy person. However, the world seems to be full of kissy people and I am learning how to break out of my comfort zone a bit. I have a tainted history of kissiness. I remember my first awkward moment was when I was in France when I was 19. I met a guy named Ole Fagerli from Norway. After a few months of working with him in France, it was time to say good-bye. So I thought I would do the french greeting and kiss on both cheeks. I didn't know what the Norwegian way was so this was my default. Well Ole was going for the American way of not kissing, but just hugging. So we ended up just touching cheeks together and I made an awkward kissing noise. This was quite humiliating. It seemed like such a weird sounds. I still cringe at the memory. Then there is my husband's family. They are a very kissy bunch. In fact, they kiss on the lips. Now for someone who had never kissed anyone on th...