July 2007

This month marks the one year birthday of our house helpers baby boy, Krishna. We celebrate the life of this little boy because in a way we helped save his life. If you remember, our house help lady was wanting to abort her pregnancy but when she took the medicine she thought would abort it, it didn't work. So she had asked for money to have a surgical abortion. Since we believe abortion is ending the life of a child, we could not give her money for that purpose. We had asked people to pray for the baby, that it would be healthy and survive. God answered those prayers with the birth of a very healthy baby boy.

Almost every day that I see Krishna I am reminded that I helped save his life. But it has been a bit selfish of me to not acknowledge that there were many others who had a part in it. Those who prayed for this child are life savers. So I am sharing with you now a picture of Krishna. I hope you also feel some sense of pride and responsibility in his life. Praise God for his life saving power.


Unknown said…
Hi Steve and Leslie,

Great to see the results of prayer! Surely God has a plan for this little boy. May God use you to make that plan a reality. Hope you are well.

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