Not Celebrating
This morning I am feeling sad. Facebook is making me sad. My friends are making me sad. I also feel lonely. The Supreme Court decision to allow same sex marriage in all states is making me sad. And seeing so many friends change their facebook photo to the rainbow colors makes me just sad. This is not a victory for America. This is a big step in turning away from God. I don't consider America to be a Christian nation, but it was founded on Christian principles. But we have turned away. I am reminded of this over and over as I read the Bible. The stories of the kings and how many times they turned the country away from God had always had me puzzled. How could it happen so quickly? But it wasn't quick. It was just like we are doing in America. Slowly making big changes that are against the perfect law that God has set before us. It is 40+ years ago since we legalized killing unborn babies. ...