Dropping Like Flies

Sometimes it seems there is a period of death.  I had a day like that on Monday.  We got the unexpected news that a friend had been found dead.  He was bipolar and had struggled for many years with his illness.  Recently his wife miscarried their first baby and then they were filing for divorce.  He also had stopped taking his medicine and had lost his job.  He ended his life on Valentines Day.

Mental illness is such a horrible illness.  At times our friend was doing so well.  Life was great and he was hopeful.  But then as it is with bipolar, things turned.  How many times he went through that cycle.

Then after we found this out about our friend, I read our emails and read another story of death.  A lady I met recently had just finalized an adoption of a girl they had been parenting for 6 years.  Her husband was away in America looking for work as she was here waiting for the adoption to finalize.  He decided to come on Valentines Day and surprise her.  He got sick on the air plane and continued to throw up uncontrollably when he arrived.  Then he got a bloody nose that wouldn't stop.  He was hospitalized and died the next day.  Something about diabetes.  He was just 32 years old.  He leaves a wife and three young kids.

Then a young lady I know decided to have an abortion.  I prayed that this would not happen, but it did.  I feel so sorry for her and the baby that she has lost.

God gives and takes away.  Blessed be the name of the Lord.


Liz said…
Lots of mental illness in my family; one of my cousins who struggled with bipolar took his life also, leaving behind his two young girls. It's pretty hard to understand.

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