Muslim Friends

I have Muslim friends!!!!  They really are my friends.  I realize that many Americans are afraid of Muslims and think they are all terrorists and that the Koran is of the Devil, but I don't see it that way.

Today, on Facebook, a friend posted a picture of a lady who was bloodied and beaten with a Koran "verse" quoted next to it about how it is okay to beat your wife if she needs it.  It really made me mad.  All this does is fuel people's hatred of Muslims and Islam.  What is the point really?  I mean, the only people who would see it would be other Christians, because I doubt this friend has any Muslim friends.  Why stir up more trouble?  Don't we have enough trouble because of our rudeness towards Muslims.

Today also, I read that a French magazine is publishing a cartoon about a naked Mohammad.  Why?  Just to cause more problems obviously.  Embassies are being attacked in countries supposedly because of some video insulting Islam.  Doesn't everyone know that this only causes problems?

Back to the Facebook posting.... I in no way support wife (or husband) beating.  And most Muslims I know feel the same way.  I also know some that are beaten by their husband.  And I am sure there are Christian women who are beaten by their husbands.  But what is the point of showing a picture of a woman all beat up and attributing it to Islam or a "verse" from the Koran?  I doubt the woman was a Muslim or even that the wounds were real.  The point was to make people disgusted with what they saw and make them think that it was all about Muslims.  That is just stupid.  And anyone could do the same with a verse from the Bible.  Attach a picture of someone being stoned and then quote a verse from Deuteronomy about stoning a disobedient child. 

Don't contribute to the hatred of another religion.  There will always be people from all religions who do horrible things, but it doesn't mean that all Christians, Muslims, Hindus, or whatever are horrible.  And our attacking another religion will never destroy that religion, it will only bread hatred.


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