
Showing posts from August, 2014

Pinterest Lessons

Which one did I make?

Jewelry Making Maniac

I have this issue (OCD) that makes it so I can't just make one craft item, but I have to make them until I run out of supplies.  I did this with my knit caps.  I think I made over 50 of those hats.  And now I am making earrings.  I can't stop.  Here are some of the ones I've made.

The Ice Bucket Challenge

Going around the internet right now is the Ice Bucket Challenge.  It was started to raise awareness and funds for the ALS Association.  Actually, I just looked on line and it seems other organizations started it, but I just heard about it with the ALS Association.  Anyway, the idea is if you get nominated then you have 24 hours to dump a bucket of ice cold water on your head or give $100. to ALS. I was thinking that whoever thought up this idea is really smart.  People are really getting into it.  I wish I would have thought of it to raise money for the home I work at.  But then I thought a bit more about it and wondered how much money has really come in from it.  It seems people enjoy dumping water on their heads.  It would have been better to challenge people to something they wouldn't enjoy so much.  I mean, if the idea is to bring in money, then wouldn't it be better if people didn't do the challenge?  Or maybe if it was winter an...