The Cheese Stands Alone
Yesterday I rode the metro (our cities train/subway). We have a lovely feature on our metro. The front car on every train is for women only. This is so nice because the metro can get extremely crowded and usually the women's section is much less crowded. And if you have to stand really close to someone at least it is a woman and not a creepy guy. So my trip yesterday was pretty uneventful. I wore my face mask to protect myself from swine flu. I noticed a few others also wearing masks. I felt like we should high five each other, but that would just spread the swine flu more. As I entered the metro I noticed a young man, around 20 years old, who was talking to his girl friend in the women's section. A lot of times a guy will stand on the in between area of the two cars and talk with a girl friend or wife, but this guy was a good 10 feet in. I was probably 20 feet away. I thought for sure someone would let him know that he wa...