
Today at church there was a new lady visiting.  She wore a suit.  She looked a bit nervous, always looking around.  She sat down, looked around, moved to a new suit, looked around.  Every so often she would move to a new area.  Finally she sat down on my row a few seats away from me.  I smiled. 

During our church we have a welcome time where visitors stand and tell where they are from.  One of the regular guys introduced his guest, which happened to be the Honorable Diane Ablonczy, a Canadian member of Parliament.  Never heard of her.  It isn't unusual to have high ranking officials at church, like Ambassadors or others, but maybe this was the first time for a member of Parliament.

The lady by me didn't stand and introduce herself.  Maybe she was shy.  But she looked around uncomfortably.  So I decided that when I got a chance, I would scoot over and ask if she was new.  I got my chance during the offering.  After we passed the basket, I scooted.  I said, "Is this your first time or have you been coming before?"  "She looked at me strange and answered, "I am just here today."  "Oh," I said, "Welcome.  Are you staying at this hotel?"  She answered, "No, I am with the Commissioner."  And it clicked who she was.  But because sometimes I have no control over my mouth, the words came out, "Oh, you are watching her."  She said she was.  So it all made sense to me.  She was the security detail.  That is why she was fidgeting and looking around every time the door opened.  She didn't watch the pastor, she watched the people.  And then I felt nervous, like she was watching me.  I would catch her looking at me out of the corner of my eye (which was always watching her).  I was fidgeting now.  And every time the door opened I looked too.

I have this weird fear of someone coming into our church and shooting us all.  And knowing that someone else had this fear was not reassuring to me.  At least I was sitting next to at least one person who was carrying a gun.


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