
I did not get to give blood today, but almost.  At the government hospital if someone has surgery then someone has to give blood on their part.  Not for the patient but for the hospital.  So I went to donate for a friend, but they said they would just give it to her for free and not take my blood.  I tried to convince them that I have great blood, but still they refused my blood.

We got a call from our friend that he was at the emergency room with his wife and she would probably need surgery.  We went to see what was going on.  They had gone to the emergency room and were told to go to the women's area for the next step.  Only women are allowed in the women area so it was a good thing we came.  I went in with her to the waiting area and we were ushered in to the examining room.  She had had an ectopic pregnancy and a tube had ruptured.  So they were scheduling her surgery right away.  The poor thing was in a lot of pain.  But even more pain when the doctor pushed on her stomach and did an exam.

I had the job of taking her clothes off as she really couldn't move much.  Then I had to take her earrings out.  Her earrings were the kind that you wear permanently and I actually had to cut them off.  It wasn't going too well so a nurse came in to offer her help.  She was not careful and was actually quite rough so her ear ended up bleeding on the first earring removal.  She was wearing four earrings.  I didn't want the nurse to do it anymore so I took over.  Finally I got them out.  I had to stop a few times to hold a bottle of blood or to hold her hand while they tortured her some more.  Couldn't get the needle in, couldn't get the catheter in....

Finally it was time to take her to the surgery room.  A orderly came in to help take her and she had to transfer onto a gurney.  I pushed the other end of the gurney through the dirty, old hospital.   There was a cat roaming around in the hospital too.  They wouldn't let me go all the way into the operating room so I sat in the changing area until they kicked me out.  That is when I went to go donating blood since they wouldn't start the surgery unless someone donates.

Interesting experience for me.  I would never want to be admitted into that hospital and felt like whisking her away too, but this is life for people.  This is what she expected and all she knows.  This is India.


Anonymous said…
You are an awesome friend! God bless you for being there for her. I hope the surgery went well. What an experience!
xoxo, Angela
My goodness. It just makes me thankful for even military healthcare here....with the waiting times & lack of "caring care" it is still better than that.
Kim said…
I've been thinking about this blog and those earrings. You're a companion & advocate anyone would want in the hospital.

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