Peer Pressure

I find myself contemplating peer pressure today. You think it is something that teenagers go through, but in reality I find that all ages continue on through it until they are at peace with who they are. Deep thoughts by Leslie.

Yesterday I was at the shopping center that the guys are skateboarding at. They really are cool to watch. And it makes me wish that I could be cool too. There were also some kids who were rip-sticking. I also can't do that. Micah also can't skate or rip-stick. He likes to use his scooter. I asked him if he doesn't want to skate because he is afraid to get hurt. He said that is right. He didn't have his scooter with us so he was just watching the other kids. He said, "It seems like everyone has a rip-stick. I am probably the only foreigner to not have one." I doubt that is true, but I know what he was feeling. He was feeling left out.

I kind of want Micah to take up skateboarding or rip=sticking just so he can have fun with the other kids when they are doing that. But I don't want him to give in to peer pressure just because he is feeling left out. So what can I encourage him to do? I guess he can bring something else to do, like his drawing stuff or something. But the thing is, this is the time of skateboarding and rip-sticking, so if he isn't doing that then he will feel left out.

Today I found myself feeling left out. All the group of people staying at our house went shopping and to the school to skate. I really didn't feel like squishing into our car and spending hours shopping again or watching them skate (even though it is cool to watch them). So I am staying at home. I thought I would be busy at home, but I'm not. So I was feeling left out and sorry for myself. Not that I want to do the things that others are doing, but I want to be included. But because I am so mature now that I am 40, I realize that I don't need to feel left out. Instead I am enjoying what I like to do. Today that is working out, reading a bit, taking a nap, and just being by myself.

Another thing about peer pressure that I was thinking about today is, why is it that we want to be noticed as part of the cool group? Like for instance, the skate dudes. I find myself wanting to be noticed as one of them. Like I want to say the right lingo or look like I know them so that people will think that I am cool. But the truth is, I'm not a cool skater. I don't know the lingo. I probably don't even carry the board correctly. So why do I want to be recognized as one of them? And I have seen it in others. People that aren't really skaters but are hanging out with them are trying to use the right lingo and trying to be included in their coolness. So I may be 40, but I still have a ways to go before I am grown up. At least I notice it. I guess that is the first step in maturity.


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