
Today I used an umbrella to shade me from the sun for the first time. I have always thought that people looked silly using umbrellas for the sun. But today I was visiting a friend and when I left her house we commented on how hot it was. She said I should have an umbrella. I told her I didn't even own an umbrella. So she rushed back inside and brought me out a new umbrella to have. So of course I used it. The thing I like about it is that when I come up to men on the street it hinders the eye contact and conceals my identity a bit. So maybe I will continue to use the umbrella.


It might also be good for protecting yourself from stray dogs, defining personal space, and, in the event the weather takes a quick turn, you're prepared for rain. I see all kinds of valuable reasons for carrying an umbrella. Now I just need to go get myself one!
Growin' With It said…
hey, glad to see you here!

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