Sealed again!

The story continues....
The MCD let us have three days to remove our items from the basement, known as "the gym". We got everything out except an old shelf that probably has a next of cockroaches under it. There was no electricity so we had to work in the dark, damp basement by just the light that came in the door.

My friend and I stood outside the gym waiting for the MCD guys to show up to de-seal the door. I'm so thankful for this friend. She is so loyal. Then we looked inside. What a mess. After four months it can get pretty dirty. Most of the equipment is too heavy for us to move so we just started gathering the smaller things. A guy friend showed up and got things rolling. He hired a truck and a few guys to help load everything. A lady from the gym is letting us use her basement as storage so we had everything taken there. What we didn't realize is that her basement is worse than ours. It has about an inch of water on the ground. But what can we do? So it all got moved there.

Three days later the MCD came again and sealed the door shut again. This means they wrapped the lock with gauze and dripped candle wax on it.

Now what? Well we wait to see if anything can be found to rent that is in our price range. I am trying to sell some of the equipment before it rots in the flooded basement. And I am going to try to teach aerobics during the week. That is the plan. May God lead!


Janet said…
ummm...took me awhile to figure that name out...duh...I am so slow!

good to hear from you again and so glad you are back in India, although I never see anyone in Delhi. Sigh! I love visiting blogs!
Growin' With It said…
witt woo! i like the new look. and the beautiful songs.

dripping candle wax? oh brother. i hope God "speeds"!!!
Growin' With It said…
oh goodness, almost forgot!
you look marvelous in pink stripes and i love the big wave of the arms you did. such a crack up and quite the party goin on at the price is right.

sure wish you were called to "come on down". but happy you were able to have a dream come true.

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