A Beautiful Mosiac

I have been drawn to mosaics for the last couple of years. I even tried to make one with broken plates, but didn't get past breaking the plates. I think you really need fine china to make it. I also broke some glasses that I found at Goodwill. It was fun to break it, but the picture of the mosaic in my mind was so beautiful that the bag of broken glass was more of a sign of failure.

Yesterday I was thinking again about a mosaic. What I pictured was God giving us beautiful gifts of glass. Different colors. These gifts are my plans and dreams. Many times the plans and dreams I have had have been broken by myself or others or just life. I end up with a bag of broken glass. I can either hold on to my bag of glass, which leads to bitterness, or I can give it back to God.

Romans 8 says "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."

God takes all my broken glass and He is making something beautiful of my life. I don't see it all yet, but in faith I know it is true.


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