Hot town!

Of course you have heard me complain about the heat lately. This will be a regular thing for the next couple of months. I looked on CNN weather page to see just how hot it was and it said at midnight that it was "99 and dreary". So true.

We are thankful for electricity and air conditioners. When I do aerobics I turn the a/c on and it makes it bearable. You would think that the fat would just melt off. The problem is that ice cream is so cold and refreshing. Then there are mango shakes. yum.


Growin' With It said…
now i would think that just standing there dripping sweat would reduce the pounds? way to balance it all out with the ice cream! you deserve a treat for enduring the heat. hey, i'm quite the rhyme-r this morning huh?
Your music is good! We have had unexpected heat here in Placerville, in the 100's plus. I've hated it, and it's made me pray for you much more fervently. But it is true, ice cream is sooo tasty right now, as well as cold water.

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