Listening to God

Yesterday a group of friends and I were praying together and having a time of "listening prayer" where we ask God to speak to us if He has something to tell us. Then we listen quietly and after a few minutes we share with each other what God has said. So far I haven't really heard from God. I have had my own thoughts at times, but not a true voice from God.

Remember when these 3D posters first came out and some people could see things in the posters? I was so frustrated when I couldn't see anything. I didn't even know what I was suppose to see. And people couldn't really explain what it was they saw. They could tell you that it was the Statue of Liberty or a spaceship or something, but I couldn't figure it out. And they would tell you to blur your eyes and gaze through it. But until you actually see it you don't know what to expect.

I think it is the same thing with listening to God. Others can try to explain what they experienced and you can try to have that same experience, but it isn't really clear what it is suppose to look like. So you strain your ears, trying to block everything else out, so that you can hear. It takes time. You may not hear anything for a long time. And then one day it all becomes clear. Everything comes into focus and you can hear.

I'm not there yet. I am still straining to hear and not really sure what it will be like. But I want to hear from God. I am waiting.


Growin' With It said…
wow leslie, this is an INCREDIBLE post and you truly spoke to my heart on this one!
Sometimes I wonder about formulas for hearing from God. I know this one works for some people, but God speaks in many different ways to different people. Just thoughts.

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