Marble Floors

I am thankful for marble floors. They aren't really marble, but some sort of granite, but you get what I am saying. They are so easy to clean. And when you have a dog it is good to be able to easily clean up his messes. Like last night. I had fed Spot some of my left over chicken Korma. It is a bit spicy and quite oily. He gobbled it up. Well I think it didn't agree with his tummy. When it was time for him to come in for the night, I opened the front door and unknowingly smeared poo-poo on the front porch (which is also marble). He had poo-pooed right in front of the door. And it wasn't just poo, the poor dog had loose motion. And now it was all over his hairy bottom. So everywhere he sat would would leave a mark. It appeared he had sat in quite a few places.

We decided to let Spot sleep outside for the night and deal with it in the morning. Steve had to go to work so it left me to deal with it. I tried bathing him and scrubbing him clean, but I almost puked. For now he is locked outside and I will deal with him later. Then I had to clean the floor outside. I scrubbed it with Lysol and it is all better. I only wish I could scrub Spot with Lysol and have him be all better.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to clean his hairy bottom?


Way to look at the bright side, Leslie... glass half full.... I'm proud of you. (Can you imagine if it had been on carpet?!?!) :) I would have helped you clean up the floors and the poor dog too if I'd been there....

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