
Showing posts from May, 2014

Christmas Time Memories

Christmas is always a great time of year.  As a child I remember road trips to go to my grandparents home.  The road trip itself was an adventure.  We would wake up at O'dark-thirty and get into our van in our pajamas.  There was a bed in the back that we would snuggle up in.  I remember one winter when we didn't have heat in the van, so my dad wore a snowsuit while driving and we were in sleeping bags in the back.  Sometimes it was snowing and treacherous conditions.  One time it was so snowy we ended up staying in a hotel along the way instead of making it in one day like we usually did. My sister and I liked to sing in the car.  We could sing for hours on end.  Now a days kids don't enjoy the trip.  They watch movies or play games on their devices instead of looking out the window.  We would play car bingo, where you have to find car makes and models.  Or we would play the alphabet game.  Mostly we would sing through...

Christian Bashing

I was reading an article online today about an organization in Portland that is helping young women who have been sex trafficked.  It is a day house that trains them in jewelry making and other activities.  They also set up foster families for the girls.  And they happen to be Christian.  So, like I often do, I read the comments of readers.  Most of them, maybe 95% were saying how horrible it is that the vulnerable are being forced to become Christians in order to avail the services (which is not true).  Or the comments are saying how horrible Christians are and how coercive it is.  My blood is boiling right now!!!!  The atmosphere in America towards Christians is so hostile.  Only one comment said that this is good work happening to help these girls.  


I have a very creative mind.  I make beautiful earrings and bracelets.  I sew fancy shirts and pants.  I make fun pillow covers.  I do basket weaving.  I paint lovely scenery pictures. My mind is full of business ideas.  I have started a bookstore, a coffee shop, a gym (that is true), a gift store. In my mind I have written sermons, wrote stories, and oh so many amazing blog postings. I must have a brain injury or something, because when I try to get the things in my mind to come out they get all jumbled up and turn into something totally different and usually quite inferior to what was inside my mind.