
Showing posts from April, 2013

Guns and Rape and Abortion and Other Thoughts

I have nothing to do today so I am looking online a bunch.  I read that Obama went to a Planned Parenthood gathering and praised them for their great work and promised that they would continue to receive our tax funding.  That makes me sick!  My tax dollars don't go to that, but it is sick that everyone is required to help out on the murder of children.  My money goes to pay for the travel of my friends who work here in India at the Embassy or for the government.  At least that is what I like to think.  My money does not go toward murder.  And that is what abortion is.  Then I read about how many rapes have happened in Delhi.  So far, there have been about 400 this year.  We will break the yearly records for sure.  This will go down as the year of the most rapes in the capital.  This week was the little 5 year old girl who was raped and tortured and left for dead, but who is now fighting for her life in a hospital. Because...


Yesterday I was sick with what we call here, loose motions.  Not sure what it came from since we all ate the same thing the night before.  I woke with a slight tummy ache and it started easing down to the bowel area.  And then my bowels became liquid fire.  Not sure how that happens.  How is it that your bowel are solid but somehow they become liquid.  Weird. In our family, when someone is sick, they have to be far away from the other members.  We don't want others getting sick.  Sometimes Steve forgets and he tries to kiss me.  I know that subconsciously he wants to get sick so he can get babied.  We make the sick person sleep in the garage on a cot instead of in the bed.  I mean, who wants to wash all the sheets just because of some germs.  So the person has to sleep out in the garage to keep the germs away from everyone else.  And we put a baby monitor out there so if they need something, the person inside can help t...


Have you ever wondered what your ears look like?  It is hard to get a good look at them.  And never side by side.  I could take a picture I suppose.  But my mind wonders to other ears before I get around to it. Like the ear on the mouse.   This is weird.  I remember reading about this ear that has been grown on this mouse so that it can be transplanted onto some guy who has lost his ear.  I wonder how the mouse feels about this.  His friends probably picked on him for his big ear.  I know kids do that to each other.  And I wonder if he ever felt like nibbling it off.  Mice do weird things sometimes. And when they removed the ear, what happened to the mouse.  He suddenly couldn't hear very well.  He was use to having super hearing and never had to worry about a cat sneaking up on him.  But now he had to rely on his little ears.  And where did they get the extra mouse skin to do a skin graft on his bac...